What grants are available to buy the first house?

Grant programs exist for new homebuyers, such as the Federal and Provincial (Quebec) tax credit to buy the first house. Combining both credits can earn you $ 1,376 in savings from your tax return. Interesting, isn't it?

In addition, if you buy a new home or energy efficient, additional benefits will be added. The Canadian government offers a partial discount on GST and QST on new housing. To see if you qualify, read the eligibility conditions.

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) is all for energy efficiency. For example, its program provides a discount of up to 25% on mortgage premiums for energy-saving homebuyers or for those renovating their new homes to reduce their energy consumption. However, many conditions apply and we invite you to read them here.

Finally, take a few minutes of your time and contact the village where you want to settle! Some have programs that you might find worthwhile.

What grants are available to buy the first house?

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